------------------------------------ Compiling Quake2Max 0.42 for Linux ------------------------------------ * Get the Quake2Max 0.42 & 0.41 sources files (the 0.42 doesn't contain the game directory) * Unrar the 0.42 somewhere, and add to the extracted directory the game/ directory from the 0.41 archive * Get the patch from http://benoar.free.fr/quake2/quake2max-0.42-linux.diff.gz and put it into the Quake2Max directory * Apply it by going into the Quake2Max directory and doing: $ zcat quake2max-0.42-linux.diff.gz | patch -p1 * Go into linux/ and do: $ make * Quake2Max is compiling ... it may take some time If you get errors ... bad day for you :( * Once done, you've got 2 solutions: - If you're a classical user, not willing to recompile, copy the files 'quake2', 'ref_glx.so' into your Quake2 directory and 'gamei386.so' into baseq2/ (theses files are located in the debugi386-glibc/ dir, under the linux/ one) - Otherwise, if you think you will often recompile, and you don't want to mess up your Quake2 directory, link baseq2/ under the debugi386-glibc/, and just copy the 'gamei386.so' into baseq2/ * Still one more step before launching it: You must create a file (/etc/quake2.conf) containing the path to your Quake2 directory, or just put '.' if your current directory is the Quake2 one * Launch it ... and pray I advise you to activate the shaders in the Video menu, Quake2Max look far better with them (especially the menu ... which is quite ugly first time, without shaders) * Enjoy ! * For now, there's only a 'debug' version, but it's easy to remove debug information (remove -g flag in Makefile) * Some things may not work : - The mouse in the menu doesn't work yet - I've only tested the ref_glx.so library, I don't know if it works with the lib_gl.so (svga mode ... ??) - I don't know the windows version, so I can't say if they're quite similar or not - My linux distro (Mdk 9.1) works well with it, but maybe not yours (I've chosen to link Quake2Max with system's libpng & libjpeg) - If it doesn't work at all, try sending me a mail with DETAILLED errors (and details about your system, too) * For information, my system is: - Athlon TBird 1GHz - 256Mo SDRAM - LeadTek GeForce2 Pro 32Mo - Mandrake 9.1 * My email is : benoar@free.fr * Thanks to Spaz and all the coders for this great engine mod Thanks also go to Max Gilead for his support ... :) See you soon for a next version ... or bugfix ! ------- benoar